Medical research
The Dangers of Chlorine in your water ¦
"Chlorine kills the bacteria that cause Typhoid, Cholera & Dysentery, but the problem is that Chlorinated drinking water is directly responsible for more than 4200 cases of bladder cancer and 6500 cases of rectal cancer every year in America only." Robert D Willix Jr. - 3 minutes a day to a 120 year lifespan.
"Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine." U.S. Counsel of Environmental Quality.
"Chlorine has been found to contribute to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), asthma attacks, nausea and disorientation. Chlorine is a powerful irritant which also destroys Vitamin E (a natural antioxidant which helps to prevent cancer)." Prof. Harvey Diamond - Fit for Life 2.
"Chlorine is suppose to POISON and KILL germs. It was used during World War I to kill people - burned up their innards. NOW WE DRINK IT!! Chlorine combined with animal fats in the diet, results into a sticky, pastel-like substance that causes arteriosclerosis - heart disease, in plain English, THE BIGGEST KILLER IN THIS COUNTRY" Prof. Harvey Diamond - Fit for Life 2.
The Dangers of fluoride in your water ...
"he adding of this substance to drinking water is a potentially dangerous business. The amount has to be judged very accurately - about one part per million. If the process goes wrong and two parts are added, it can lead to mottling of the teeth, high bone disorders and cancer!" Health Talk Magazine.
"Other uses for sodium fluoride include: Rat Poison, cockroach powder, insecticides, germicides, fumigants etc. The perfect thing to be putting into your drinking water! According to Dr. Dean Burke, former chief biochemist at the National Cancer Institute, more than 50 000 Americans a year are dying of cancer caused by fluoridated drinking water! Fluoride associated cancers are of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, bladder, breast and ovaries." Prof. Harvey Diamond - Fit for life.
Recommendations for drinking pure water ...
The fault lies in Inorganic Minerals. - Page 13 "The only minerals the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from living matter). All the others are foreign minerals and must be disposed of or eliminated. Herein lies the problem we have never suspected as the possible cause of nearly all our ageing diseases." Dr. Allen E. Banik - The Choice is Clear.
Water and Minerals - Page 99-100 "The body can only use organic minerals. It is psychologically impossible for your body to use an inorganic mineral. Minerals are only useable as they are found in organic forms of life such as plants. We are not rock or soil eaters. When you drink water containing minerals they are inorganic finely ground rocks. They literally clog up the body and vascular system." Prof. Harvey & Marilyn Diamond - Living Health.
Water: How Much, How Often? - Page 90 "A question I am often asked is: 'What about mineral water?' Although bottled water is rich in minerals, unfortunately these minerals are not present in a form that our bodies are able to use easily. Unlike the minerals in fresh fruits and vegetables, those in mineral water are easily deposited in our joints, muscles and tissues, where they can cause stiffness, gall or kidney stones, premature ageing of the skin and even cataracts." Mary-Ann Shearer -The Natural Way.
Water and its effects on the human body - Page 55 "Don't drink inorganic mineralised water." Paul C. Bragg N. D. PhD. & Patricia Bragg N. D. PhD. - Water: The shocking truth that can safe your life.
Water and its effects on the human body - Page 144 "Your minerals must come from an organic source, from something living or that has lived. Humans do not have the same chemistry as plants. Only the living plant has the ability to extract inorganic minerals from the earth and convert them to organic minerals for your body to absorb and utilise." Paul C. Bragg N. D. PhD. & Patricia Bragg N. D. PhD. - Water: The shocking truth that can safe your life.
TDS & Chronic Disease "In his study, ‘Relationship of Water to the Risk of Dying’, Dr. Sauer chronicled the relationship of Total Dissolved Solids to heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases (Total Dissolved Solids or TDS is the term for all the elements in any water supply). It had been thought for centuries that the European mineral waters so high in TDS were beneficial to health. But Dr. Sauer's study found that as TDS increases in a water supply, so does the number of chronic diseases in the population using that supply. " Authors Note:At our home in Desert Hot Springs, one of California's renowned hot mineral water resorts, our water pipes had to be replaced after only a few years due to mineral build-up in the pipes. What this organic mineral-laced water does to the plumbing in buildings it also does to human pipes! Paul C. Bragg N. D. PhD. & Patricia Bragg N. D. PhD. - Water: The shocking truth.
Clean your own water - Page 25 "f you relied on water for your minerals, you would be sadly lacking. It is the growing produce that takes up the water and concentrates its minerals, that provides most of your mineral requirements" Dr. Michael Colgan - Optimum Sports Nutrition - Your Competitive Edge.
"Chlorine kills the bacteria that cause Typhoid, Cholera & Dysentery, but the problem is that Chlorinated drinking water is directly responsible for more than 4200 cases of bladder cancer and 6500 cases of rectal cancer every year in America only." Robert D Willix Jr.- 3 minutes a day to a 120 year lifespan