Water Teatment
Why drink Reverse Osmosis Water?
Developing an excellent daily water intake is perhaps the most important aspect of your optimal health regime. In an optimal state of hydration, our bodies are over 75% water. Obviously, water is extremely important to our bodies.
Consider these points:Water is the primary medium through which every cell of out body receives the energy, oxygen and other nutrients they need to carry out every bodily function. Without ample amounts of energy, oxygen and other nutrients, our cells become congested with toxic substances and the stage is set for cellular deterioration (rapid aging) or disease. Clean water is essential to our bodies cleansing system. Using the principle of osmosis, our cells pull in the energy, oxygen, and nutrients they need through a protective membrane called the cell wall. As waste products and toxins accumulate within our cells, ample amounts of clean water serve to pull these harmful agents out of the cells so that they may be eliminated in our faeces and urine.
Regular tap water does not support optimal nourishment and cleansing of your cells. Whether you get you water form a community water system or your own domestic well, both frequently contain a wide array of contaminants which may include pesticides, nitrates and nitrites, chlorine, excessive mineral deposits, disease causing bacteria, and other groundwater contaminants.
Scientific studies have linked pesticides with increased cancer rates and chronic illness. It is also suspected that exposure to pesticides causes decreased immune system functioning, reproductive problems, birth defects, and Parkinson' disease.
Nitrates and nitrites in drinking water have been linked to a syndrome called 'blue-baby' in which shortness of breath, increased susceptibility to illness, heart attacks or even death can occur in very young children.
No home filtration system is as effective at removing hazardous contaminants form you water as a reverse osmosis system. The filters that we recommend filter out particles down to 1/10,000 of a micron. (That's 10,000 times smaller that a Cryptosporidium micro organism!)